What is a Human Capital (HC) Audit?
A human capital (HC) audit is an analysis of all expenditure related to all individuals directly employed by a company and who work for third parties.
The deliverable is a “human capital balance sheet” of all HC costs. This mirrors a traditional financial balance sheet by using the same financial terminology (e.g. OpEx, CapEx, cost-to-income ratio, liabilities, ROI, amortisation etc.)
The scope of a human capital audit is much wider than a mere analysis of fixed costs (e.g. salaries and benefits) and provisioned liabilities (e.g. end-of-service benefits). It includes (but is not limited to):
The monetised expense of the “regretted” turnover of high performing and high potential employees.
The projected financial expense of slowing down such regretted turnover.
The actual financial expense of retaining low performing employees.
The actual financial expense of retaining jobs and roles no longer required for a company’s success.
Fixed Pay
i.e. salaries, benefits (e.g. medical insurance) and liabilities (e.g end-of-service benefits) indexed to the market for each job.
Variable Pay
e.g. commissions and bonuses indexed to performance.
HC Turnover v. ROI
i.e. acceptable retention (turnover) rate for each category of employee versus actual turnover.
HRD Costs
The cost of the Human Resources Department versus market practice.
Our deliverable to you
The deliverable is a “human capital balance sheet”. This is a balance sheet of all HC costs and which mirrors a traditional financial balance sheet. We agree the structure, scope and metrics of the HC balance sheet with our clients. As a minimum it will contain: